How can I update the value of a textbox to the anchor source using C #?
Consider this code:
txtLastModifyUserID.DataBindings.Add("Text", c_bsDataSetSource, "LastModifyUserID");
txtLastModifyUserID.Text = "1234";
Why can't the source be updated?
The DataBinding usually does not write a value until the control loses focus. Since you are updating the TextBox programmatically, the DataBinding does not know that something needs to be updated.
As you wrote your code, you will need to call the method WriteValue()
yourself (assuming there is only 1 data binding in the TextBox):
txtLastModifyUserID.DataBindings.Add("Text", c_bsDataSetSource, "LastModifyUserID");
txtLastModifyUserID.Text = "1234";
I guess you should point OnPropertyChanged
to DataSourceUpdateMode
I think you're almost there. Just change the binding to "Value" instead of "Text". When you change this programmatically, as long as the data source is updated, the human eye should catch the update. Also specify DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged