C # initial thread with a function that has a delegate parameter

public delegate bool FunctieCompara(int a, int b); this is the delegate


Simple function calls:

TyG.bubbleSort(TyG.max, TyG.Lungime, TyG.Secv);
TyG.bubbleSort(TyG.min, TyG.Lungime, TyG.secvMin);


I have Class Sorts

, and in this class I have many methods like

public void bubbleSort(functionDelegate f, int n, int [] v)


and much more, but with these parameters. In another class, I have an instance

Sortst tyg = new Sorts()


I want to create a stream

Thread Thr = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tyg.bubbleSort(functionDelegate)))


I didn't understand that this thing works in my case, how can I use a stream using the method that the delegate uses, in my case the delegate is max/min

to compare numbers to sort in place in v[]

. I want to make 2 threads to execute both types bubbleSort(max, n, v)

and bubbleSort(min, n, v)

at the same time. This is what the thread does, anyway, can anyone help me a little?


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2 answers

Do you mean this?

var t1 = new Thread(
   o =>
       tyg.bubbleSort(max, n, v1);

var t2 = new Thread(
   o =>
       tyg.bubbleSort(min, n, v2);

t1.Start(); // start threads

t1.Join(); // wait for both threads to finish


Note: If you sort on the site, you must use different arrays ( v1

and v2

), because otherwise the threads will rewrite the same array.


Check out the .NET 4.0 construct if you're interested .

Alternatively, if you want to be cool (.NET 4.0+):

    () => tyg.bubbleSort(max, n, v1),
    () => tyg.bubbleSort(min, n, v2));




Using .NET Framework 4 and Parallel Task Library:

var factory = new TaskFactory(TaskCreationOptions.None,
var sorts = new Sorts();
FunctieCompara greaterThanComparer = (a, b) => { return a > b; };
FunctieCompara lessThanComparer = (a, b) => { return a < b; };
var sorterWorkers = new Task[]
        factory.StartNew(() => sorts.BubbleSort(greaterThanComparer, 0, new int[] {})),
        factory.StartNew(() => sorts.BubbleSort(lessThanComparer, 0, new int[] {}))





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