How to get TOP 10 in MySQL with concatenated data rows?

I have a problem that I cannot deal with.

|  id  |  user  |  genres   | books |
|  1   |  John  |  crimes   |   2   |
|  2   |  John  |  scienc   |   1   |
|  3   |  John  |  nature   |   4   |
|  4   |  Pete  |  nature   |   3   |
|  5   |  Pete  |  crime    |   2   |
|  6   |  Mary  | nature    |   20  |


I would like to have a SQL query that gets the total number of books a user owns, regardless of genre, and would like to ORDER them to whoever has the most.

In this example, you can see that Mary has 20 books, Pete 5 and John 7, so my desired result would be an array like:

result[0][user] = "Mary";
result[0][total] = 20;
result[1][user] = "John";
result[1][total] = 7;
result[2][user] = "Pete";
result[2][total] = 5;


How can I get this in one SQL? Should I use CONCAT or TOP or something else? I am using MySQL and PHP.


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3 answers

You need GROUP BY with SUM

SELECT `user`, SUM(books) AS total_books
FROM `table`
GROUP BY `user`
ORDER BY total_books DESC


If you only want the first 10, you can use

SELECT `user`, SUM(books) AS total_books
FROM `table`
GROUP BY `user`
ORDER BY total_books DESC LIMIT 10`


By the way, you can rethink your schema a bit. Duplication of information is contrary to the principles of normalization. You might want to add a new table owners


  | owner_id  |  owner_name |
  |     1     |    John     |
  |     2     |    Pete     |
  |     3     |    Mary     |


and then put it owner_id

in the table books




select user, sum(books) as total
from your_table
group by user
order by sum(books)
limit 10




SELECT sum(books) as book_count, user  FROM `books` GROUP BY (user) order by book_count DESC




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