Using single and double pointers in linked lists implemented in C

I wrote this code to add an item to the end of a linked list:

struct node{
    int info;
    struct node* link;

void append ( struct node **q, int num )  

struct node *temp, *r ;

if ( *q == NULL )       // if the list is empty, create first node
    temp = (struct node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
    temp -> info = num ;
    temp -> link = NULL ;
    *q = temp ;        
    temp = *q ;         

    /* go to last node */
    while ( temp -> link != NULL )
        temp = temp -> link ;

    /* add node at the end */
    r = (struct node *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
    r -> info = num ;
    r -> link = NULL ;
    temp -> link = r ;


and I call the append function like this:    append(&list, 10);

where list

is a pointer to the linked list

This code works, but if I use a single pointer in the add function (using * q instead of ** q) and make the appropriate changes (as below and also when I call it) it doesn't work. What's wrong with the code below ?:

void append ( struct node *q, int num )  

struct node *temp, *r ;

if ( q == NULL )       // if the list is empty, create first node
    temp = (struct node*) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
    temp -> info = num ;
    temp -> link = NULL ;
    q = temp ;        
    temp = q ;         

    /* go to last node */
    while ( temp -> link != NULL )
        temp = temp -> link ;

    /* add node at the end */
    r = (struct node *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
    r -> info = num ;
    r -> link = NULL ;
    temp -> link = r ;



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2 answers

Because in the second example it q

is a copy of the pointer passed by the caller. The original caller ID never changes.



In your first snippet (which is correct) you are doing too much.

void append ( struct node **q, int num )  

struct node *new ;

    /* go to last node */
    for ( ; *q; q = &(*q)->link ) {;}

    /* add node at the end */
    new = malloc ( sizeof *new );
    if (!new) { barf_now(); return; }

    new->info = num ;
    new->link = NULL ;
    *q = new; ;


Basic idea: you want to add to the tail of the list; You need:

  • find the first NULL pointer
  • set value to the value of the new pointer

The "empty list" case is not special, it just means that you can find a NULL pointer in zero steps. By coding it this way there is no special case and no construction is needed if (...) ... else ...




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