Can Getopt :: Long GetOptions throw an error if the same option occurs multiple times?

I have this getopt:

GetOptions(  GetOptions ("library=s" => \@libfiles);
    @libfiles = split(/,/,join(',',@libfiles));
     "help" => \$help,
     "input=s" => \$fileordir,
     "pretty-xml:4" => \$pretty


Is it possible to Getopt::Long::GetOptions

find that the same option is provided on the command line multiple times? For example, I would like the following to generate an error:

perl --input=something --input=something




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1 answer

I don't think there is a direct route, but you have two options:

  • Use an array and check after processing the parameters

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Getopt::Long;
    my @options;
    my $result = GetOptions ('option=i' => \@options);
    if ( @options > 1 ) {
       die 'Error: --option can be specified only once';

  • Use a subroutine and make sure the parameter is already defined

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Getopt::Long;
    my $option;
    my $result = GetOptions (
        'option=i' => sub {
            if ( defined $option) {
                die 'Error: --option can be specified only once';
            } else {
                $option = $_[1]; 

    In this case, you can use an exclamation mark !

    at the beginning die

    and the error will be caught and declared as a regular Getopt error (see the Getopt :: Long documentation for details)



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