How do I define the main method of Scala objects in a common place?

In several Scala objects, I have defined a main method that calls runTests, which is an abstract method in Test. Is there a way that the main method can be split into a common location (Trait or some other solution) so that I can execute the test in Eclipse by pressing ctrl- F11?

This is what I currently have,

object BoardModelTest extends Test with TestUtils {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

  def runTests {

trait Test {

  def runTests: Unit



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1 answer

I don't have Eclipse on this computer, so I can't check if it works with Ctrl + F11, but I think you want to have the type:

trait Main {
  self: Test => 
  def main(args: Array[String]) {


Then you just paste it after your dash Test


object BoardModelTest extends Test with TestUtils with Main {
  def runTests {}




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