ASP.NET MVC 3: Target IgnoreRoute ("{resource} .axd / {* pathInfo}") ;? condemned?

Do I still need this rule?
I don't see any requests coming in for resource.axd files (as opposed to when I started web apps)


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1 answer

WebResource.axd is an HTTP handler that is part of the .NET Framework that does one thing and one thing only: it is tasked with getting an embedded resource from a DLL and returning its contents. What is the DLL go to which embedded resource will be specified via the query string. For example, a request to ... & t = 63421 ... might return a specific piece of JavaScript embedded in a specific assembly.

Its still part of the framework and you can still retrieve inline resources using the above handler. You do not want your route handler to handle such requests and therefore it is ignored. I guess you can get rid of it if you are completely sure that your applications / libraries you are using are not using it.



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