Grouping environmental data in R
I am looking at some environmental data (diet) and trying to figure out how to group the Predator. I would like to be able to extract the data so that I can look at the weights of each individual prey for each species for each predator i.e. Calculate the average weight of each species eaten by, for example, a predator 117. I have put a sample of my data below.
Predator PreySpecies PreyWeight
1 114 10 4.2035496
2 114 10 1.6307026
3 115 1 407.7279775
4 115 1 255.5430495
5 117 10 4.2503708
6 117 10 3.6268814
7 117 10 6.4342073
8 117 10 1.8590861
9 117 10 2.3181421
10 117 10 0.9749844
11 117 10 0.7424772
12 117 15 4.2803743
13 118 1 126.8559155
14 118 1 276.0256158
15 118 1 123.0529734
16 118 1 427.1129793
17 118 3 237.0437606
18 120 1 345.1957190
19 121 1 160.6688815
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You can use the function aggregate
like this:
aggregate(formula = PreyWeight ~ Predator + PreySpecies, data = diet, FUN = mean)
# Predator PreySpecies PreyWeight
# 1 115 1 331.635514
# 2 118 1 238.261871
# 3 120 1 345.195719
# 4 121 1 160.668881
# 5 118 3 237.043761
# 6 114 10 2.917126
# 7 117 10 2.886593
# 8 117 15 4.280374
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There are several ways to get the desired result:
. It is possible that you are after.aggregate(PreyWeight ~ Predator + PreySpecies, data=dd, FUN=mean)
: Very useful, but only divides the variable by one factor, so we need to create a co-factor with the insert command:tapply(dd$PreyWeight, paste(dd$Predator, dd$PreySpecies), mean)
: part of a packageplyr
. Very helpful. It's worth learning.require(plyr) ddply(dd, .(Predator, PreySpecies), summarise, mean(PreyWeight))
: the output is more in table format. Part of the packagereshape2
.require(reshape2) dcast(dd, PreyWeight ~ PreySpecies+ Predator, mean, fill=0)
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