Qt: using one widget in multiple layouts

I have a QTabBar and all tabs need to have the same widget in them:



However, calling a addWidget

second time makes this widget disappear in the first layout.

Can I use one widget to insert it into multiple tabs?

Of course, I can always create a new instance of the widget for each tab, but this takes extra time and memory.


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1 answer

Can I use one widget to insert it into multiple tabs?

Not. If you want the widget to be viewed twice, you need two instances.

Of course, I can always create a new instance of the widget for each tab, but this takes extra time and memory.

Simple widgets are relatively cheap in terms of memory / build time. If your GUI keeps responding and your profiler says this is a problem, you are probably trying to do a premature optimization.

Depending on the specific purpose you are trying to accomplish, there are patterns such as using multiple views that use a single model that can potentially be used.



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