Qt, QFile write on a specific line

I faced another problem in Qt, I cannot figure out how to write on a specific line of a text file using QFile

. Instead, everything is erased at the beginning. So, with the given information, how should I write to a specific line in QFile


There are two functions.

  • The first function searches for a file and then gets two variables. The one that finds the next empty string, which gets the current ID number.
  • The second function is supposed to write. But I have searched the documentation for what I need, I have searched for it and tried many searches to no avail.

Function 1

    QString fileName = "C:\\Users\\Gabe\\SeniorProj\\Students.txt";
    QFile mFile(fileName);
    QTextStream stream(&mFile);
    QString line;

    int x = 1; //this counts how many lines there are inside the text file
    QString currentID;

    if(!mFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)){
        qDebug() << "Could not open file for reading";

    do {
        line = stream.readLine();
        QStringList parts = line.split(";", QString::KeepEmptyParts);

        if (parts.length() == 3) {
            QString id        = parts[0];
            QString firstName = parts[1];
            QString lastName  = parts[2];

            x++; //this counts how many lines there are inside the text file
            currentID = parts[0];//current ID number
    }while (!line.isNull());


    Write(x, currentID); //calls function to operate on file



The above function reads a file that looks like this.



And the function receives two bits of information that I figured I might need. I'm not too familiar with QFile

and searched, but I thought I needed these variables:

int x;  //This becomes 9 at the end of the search.
QString currentID; //This becomes 1008 at the end of the search.


So, I passed these variables to the next function, at the end of function 1. Write(x, currentID);

Function 2

void StudentAddClass::Write(int currentLine, QString idNum){

    QString fileName = "C:\\Users\\Gabe\\SeniorProj\\Students.txt";
    QFile mFile(fileName);
    QTextStream stream(&mFile);
    QString line;

    if(!mFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text)){
        qDebug() << "Could not open file for writing";

    QTextStream out(&mFile);
    out << "HelloWorld";


I have not had any attempts to solve the problem myself, this whole function replaces the entire contents of the text file with "HelloWorld".

Does anyone know how to write on a specific line, or at least go to the end of the file and then write?


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2 answers

If the line you want to insert into the file is always the last line (as function 1 suggests), you can try opening the file in append mode using QIODevice :: Append in the Write method.

If you want to insert a line in the middle of a file, I suppose an easy way is to use a temporary file (or if possible, load the lines into a QList, insert the line and write back to the file)



    QString fileName = "student.txt";
    QFile mFile(fileName);

    if(!mFile.open(QFile::Append | QFile::Text)){
        qDebug() << "Could not open file for writing";
        return 0;

    QTextStream out(&mFile);
    out << "The magic number is: " << 4 << "\n";



The above code snippet will add the text "Magic Number: 4" at the end of the file.



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