Create an HTTP REST Web Server with a SQL Server Database

I am looking for a guide on how to get started building an HTTP REST server using C # and a SQL Server database

Is there a recommended server infrastructure for a http web server? Is it the same for REST services?

How do I get started? Bring up a regular server and then take care of the SQL Server database?



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3 answers

I am starting to evaluate REST frameworks for .Net and python. So far, I like ServiceStack for .Net. It's simple, much easier to set up than WCF, supports dependency injection, and seems to be fast.

When VS 11 and .Net 4.5 are fully released, Microsoft also offers Web APIs. It can be used to create REST APIs, so it's worth looking into.

I haven't done enough research on web APIs to find out which is better, but these are some considerations for you.



Use OData. Have a look at Building an OData API for StackOverflow Including XML and JSON in 30 Minutes



With the new ASP.NET Web API :

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to collect HTTP services. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

It is currently in beta but was specifically built to create RESTful HTTP services in .NET as opposed to WCF. See the SO question WCF vs ASP.NET Web API for more information .

There are examples and video tutorials, and in one they use Entity Framework models that SQL can support. This SO question specifically covers this example: How to mix Entity Framework with Web API



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