Facebook Icon / Button Lit in iOS app

Does anyone know / have an idea of ​​how facebook has implemented a glowing icon when the user clicks the icon? (You can see what I mean below) It seems to me that they have implemented at least some of it programmatically, since the glowing ones actually spill onto the icon next to it. Has anyone done this or had pointers on where to start? However, it doesn't seem to fall out of the UINavigationBar.

Facebook Icon Glowing

PS. I know how to make icons in the navigation bar, just not sure how to implement glowing ...


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has a property called showsTouchWhenHighlighted

. When you set this to true, it places this glow whenever you click it.

For some reason, it comes after the icon when you use it as a custom view UIBarButtonItem

in UIToolbar

or UINavigationBar

(as opposed to if you just installed the image UIBarButtonItem




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