Java HashMap find the most suitable key

I have a Java HashMap with floating keys and string values. now a given Float that is not in the HashMap, how can I find the key that most closely resembles a given Float?


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4 answers

Sounds like an assignment for one of the implementations java.util.NavigableMap




Using floats as keys in a HashMap is a very bad idea!



I think you are better off using a simple array / ArrayList

with items sorted by key and execute Collections.binarySearch()

. If no entry is found, it returns the nearest neighbor.



The easiest way

 HashMap<Float, String> map = new HashMap<Float, String>();

    Float newFloat = 123F;

    Float minDif = null;
    Float findedValue = null;

    for (Float key : map.keySet()) {
        Float dif = Math.abs(key - newFloat);
        if (minDif != null) {
            if (dif < minDif) {
                minDif = dif;
                findedValue = key;
        } else {
            minDif = dif;
            findedValue = key;




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