How can I convert DateTime to string?
I have an array of DateTime objects and need to use them as strings in a function call. I tried to do it like $string_datetime = (string)$myDateTimeObject;
, but it doesn't work. The search was fruitless as well as most people ask how to convert a string to DateTime.
My code:
$start_date = new DateTime();
$end_date = new DateTime();
$end_date = $end_date->modify('+1 day');
// Add time range to request
$request['time_range'] = Array ( 'start' => $start_date,
'end' => $end_date);
When calling a function that expects a string (this is an API call), I get this error:
Allowable fatal error: DateTime object cannot be converted to string
What is the correct way to convert / extract a string from a DateTime object?
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