Displaying a function over a multidimensional array in scala

I know there is a clean way to map a function f:A => B

over an array of foo

type Array[A]

to get Array[B]

through foo.map{f}


Is there a clean way of matching f

over bar:Array[Array[A]]

to get Array[Array[B]]

that preserves the structure of the array bar

while mapping all elements A

to elements of type B


In general, is there a way to match elements of arrays of arbitrary dimensions (i.e. not only 2D, but 3D, 4D, etc.).


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1 answer

You can display the map:



I doubt there is a type safe way to map arrays of arbitrary dimensions, since arrays of different dimensions have different types. But this is simple enough to keep the nested map calls:

scala> val bam = new Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[A]]]]](0)
bam: Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[A]]]]] = Array()

scala> bam.map(_.map(_.map(_.map(_.map(f)))))
res1: Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[B]]]]] = Array()


Actually, I found that shapeless has "general map and addition operations on arbitrarily nested data structures". I haven't tested with help Array

, but it looks like it works with other data structures.





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