What is a viable replacement for Searchlogic?

It looks like Searchlogic doesn't work with Rails 3. (Among other things, Ryan Bates is mentioned in one of his RailsCasts, and the last question on the Google Group is from 2010.)

So, I'm looking for a replacement. I love the functionality where you create the names of the search form fields and turn them into a search object, and then you can get the results with @search.all

or @search.paginate


At first, Meta Where and Meta Search looked promising. But then I found this notice that "MetaWhere will not be updated to support 3.1". (I am using Rails 3.2.2.)

The developer offers a library called "Ransack" as a replacement for MetaWhere.

Okay, maybe. But before diving into "Ransack" I thought I posed a question: does anyone know of another library available with similar functionality for SearchLogic as I described above? (The view form fills in the search object.)


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1 answer

If you are using Rails 3.0 you should check MetaSearch

If you are using Rails 3.1+ you should check out Ransack

Both were written by Ernie Miller.



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