How do I transfer ownership of a file for a document that the administrator does not own?

Using case

  • As an administrator account, transfer ownership of documents using the Google Docs API, similar to cPanel's built-in "Advanced Tools" → "Transfer Document Ownership"


  • APIs
  • invoked in the context of the Google Apps Service Administrator account, not the end user account, as APIs are called from Google Apps Script on the Site page

  • Authorization - OAuth 1.0 as this Script app supports

What works:

  • Transferring ownership of your own administrator account accounts to another user account as described here

What is needed:

  • Transfer ownership of other user files, ideally without sharing any permissions with the administrator account; if there is no other way to do this, they can share edit rights on the file with the Administrator service account.
  • This currently returns

    "ServiceException - you do not have permission to share these items:"


source to share

1 answer

What you are trying to do is perhaps impersonate the user using an administrator account. The documentation shows you how to do this here .

Essentially, start by requesting the API URL from default

to the new owner address. The request must be fulfilled even though it is allowed as user admin.


After requesting this url, all channel urls will be returned with the pre-existing post. Then just change the ownership as usual.



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