When reading a text file, it only reads some of them

I am trying to read a large text file (4000+ lines) and output each line to the console. I am using the following code

        using (var reader = new StreamReader("list1.txt"))
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)



This reads lines, but the problem is the read starts at line 4113, when should it start at the correct line? So this means that I only get 100 lines from the text file. Why is this happening?



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2 answers

You may well find that only the last lines are displayed in the output window N

, where N

- about 100. In other words, the scroll buffer is smaller than you think.

You can check this by changing your code to something like:

int numlines = 0;
using (var reader = new StreamReader("list1.txt")) {
    while (!reader.EndOfStream) {
Console.WriteLine("Wrote " + numlines + " lines.");


which will output the number of lines processed at the end.

You can change the height of the console with a command like:

Console.BufferHeight = 30000;




As suggested by the user, I need to increase the Bufferheight to strengthen lines of text.



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