How to use echo in php array to return as string

I am trying to return an array of strings. I'm doing it:

$errors[] = toolbarCheckCreds($_COOKIE['uname'], $_COOKIE['pword'], $_COOKIE['rememberMe']);
    echo $errors[0];


and this is in the function at the end:

return $errors;


and I installed an error like this:

$errors[] = "error goes here!";


Basically, when I return my array and echo it, it gives me the following output:




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4 answers

You need to iterate over your array. There are several ways to do this, with my personal preference to use a foreach loop .

For example, this will display each error message in the array on a new line:

foreach ($errors as $error)
    echo "<br />Error: " . $error;




Use PHP implode to convert your array to a string that you can echo. Using echo on an array will just display the data type.

return implode(' ', $errors);


If you want to separate errors with a non-whitespace delimiter, just replace the space in the first parameter:

return implode(' :: ', $errors);


For example, if your error array contained three values:

[ "Invalid data" , "404" , "Syntax error" ]


then your line, if you used ::, will look like this when you run echo

as a result:

Invalid data :: 404 :: Syntax error


See link link included in another example.



You cannot display the contents of the array as is.

If you want to check the contents of the array, you can use print_r () or var_export () with the parameter return

set to True




$ list = array ("One thing", "Two things", "Things");
echo implode (",", $ list);

Result One thing, two things, three things

Easy, breeze, hope this helps, I know I'm late, but might be helpful for someone else, maybe?



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