Deployment error on Google App Engine - 0 file upload

I recently moved the Eclipse Java GAE project to a different location on my computer. (And both locations are in Dropbox.) I've had deployment issues since then. When I make changes to the files and save them, sometimes it won't recognize the changes and download them (so when I deploy through Eclipse it says 0 file download and live deployment are not updated).

Sometimes it works (after a few clean and reboots in Eclipse).

Any help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


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1 answer

Seems to have resolved some notes now to consider

  • Make sure you don't manually modify (add / remove) libraries in the war / WEB-INF / lib folder. Add to this folder only when using libraries. (There were some unused libraries in there)
  • Ensure war-time cleanup / bin / classes after project cleanup.
  • I installed the plugin again, just in case


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