How to run the added plus

I placed the dired plus file in ~/.emacs.d

, added it (require 'dired+)

to my ~/.emacs

file, and restarted Emacs. How do I run dired plus?


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1 answer

Dired + adds functionality to the firmware, so you don't run Dired + as such - just run as usual (for example M-x dired

) and the added functionality should be available.

If Dired + doesn't load, make sure it ~/.emacs.d

's in your load path - add this line to your init file if needed:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d")


Change: . As event_jr says, you should avoid adding .emacs.d

to your load-path

- create a new directory in ~/.emacs.d

, install the Emacs Lisp files there, and add that directory load-path

. My answer was intended to address your immediate problem given where you installed the Dired + file, not a recommendation to install packages into ~/.emacs.d




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