Phonegap - jQuery Mobile - Upload / Save / Upload File

I am using Phonegap with jQuery Mobile and have the following use case:

  • I want to download a file from a remote server via JSON.
  • Save the file to the local file system of the mobile device (to work also offline).
  • Target platforms: iOS, Android, possibly Windows Phone and BlackBerry.
  • Load the file from the file system.

What's the recommended way to do this?

  • Phonegap.FileWriter? Is there a way to save it to "assets / www ../"?
  • Phonegap.Storage?

Or is there a better way?


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1 answer

  • Use XHR to load JSON data.
  • Use FileWriter to save the file to the file system.
  • Use FileReader or XHR to read a JSON file from the file system.

No, you cannot save the file to the / www file as it cannot be written.



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