ACM ICPC - Number theory

I have dealt with ACM ICPC past issues

I am unable to resolve this issue. I don't know how to do it in an efficient way within 3 seconds. I think this problem is based on number theory but don't know what to do. Thank!


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So I believe that given:

(a1,b1,c1), (a2,b2,c2) ... (an,bn,cn)


You need to decide if non-negative coefficients exist:

X = (x1,x2,...,xn)


such that

x1*a1 + x2*a2 + ... + xn*an == 
x1*b1 + x2*b2 + ... + xn*bn == 
x1*c1 + x2*c2 + ... + xn*cn


A little linear algebra is all it takes.

Council . Try to plot the input with n == 4, so all 4 xis must be positive in order to solve the problem (and it cannot be solved with just 3). Is it possible?



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