Standard ML repeats the last command, left arrow?

I am learning standard ML using its interpreter. Sometimes I make a typo and just want to repeat the previous command like in the Linux shell. However, the up arrow will end up printing special characters on the screen. Sometimes I want to go back to the left to fix something, the left arrow also prints special characters.

Does anyone know how to make them right?


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3 answers

I'm using Moscow ML, but I believe the answer will apply to whatever version you use:

You can achieve what you want using rlwrap


I have the following alias in mine .zshrc

which handles it automatically:

alias mosml="rlwrap mosml"


(Replace mosml

with the name of your SML interpreter.)



Consider using the ledit program. It allows you to use the arrow keys to view previous commands.


ledit mosml




If you are going to seriously hack SML, I highly recommend that you use a development environment that allows you to interact with the SML top-level environment.

I am using Emacs with SML mode . The beauty here is that in the top window, you can code functions and save them to a file. Then you can send them to the bottom window which contains the Inferior-SML process to compile. Also the Inferior-SML process has a default command history.



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