Overriding a method from a library

The library has a virtual method that references my C # project. How can I override this method in another class in my application?


namespace TheLibary
   class SomeClass
      public virtual void TheMethod()
           //Do Stuff


Then in my project:

using theLibary;
namespace TheProject
   class SomeClass
       public override <Help>


Edit: Confusion and complete forgetting that this class did not inherit from the library class messed me up, it was already too late :)


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1 answer

You should learn a little OOP (and inheritance in particular) before getting into serious coding. For quick reference, this is an example of how to override a method:

namespace TheDll
    public class SomeClass
        public virtual void TheMethod()
        { }

namespace TheProject
    public class DerivedClass : SomeClass
        public override void TheMethod()
        { }


You should notice that the signature of the override method (including its name) must be the same. On the other hand, a derived class can (and usually, for clarity) be named differently.



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