How do I use the Modernizr classes?

I am new to modernization. I read some modernizr documentation and I wanted to install border: none

if the browser doesn't support CSS3 box-sizing: border-box

. I tried:

li { border-right: 1px solid #eee }
.css-boxsizing li { border: none }


But it didn't work. Can anyone suggest something?


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1 answer

In Modernizr, the supported features are added as a class name to the root element. After checking the list of classes I found the correct class name boxsizing

.boxsizing li { border: none }


In the default assembly, the class boxsizing

doesn't seem to be added. This can be manually added using Modernizr.addTest


// The first argument is the class name
    return Modernizr.testAllProps("boxSizing") && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7);





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