How do I compare two different types of objects in scala?

When I check for values ​​inside scala interpreter like:

scala> 1==1.0000000000000001

res1: Boolean = true

scala> 1==1.000000000000001

res2: Boolean = false


Here I am not getting a clear idea of ​​how the scala compiler interprets them as integers or floats or doubles (and compares). "


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1 answer

It is not really Scala related, it is rather ieee-754 with floating point arithmetic. First of all, when compared Int

with, Double

it will drop Int

before Double

(always safe). The second case is obvious - the meanings are different.

What happens with the first case is that the type is Double

not capable of storing many significant digits (17 in your case, a 64-bit floating point can store up to 16 decimal digits), so it rounds the value to 1

. And 1 == 1




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