Which item element should you use for your rental job site?

I am French and I am developing a job site for rent. I would like to add microdata to vacancy rentals (house, villa, apartment ...) but I don't know what type of item to use. Offer, Product or other?



Thank you for your help.


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2 answers

There are several relevant schemas and you would be better off using a combination of them to represent your proposals. The proposal should be your root element because it represents what ican can buy for a price. The itemOffered property is of type Product , so it is a logical extension point for embedding product content. Think of the Offer as your ad space and product as what you actually sell. There is a metadata schema for Residence which includes the domain information of your Products. You can combine this with the Product items field, or nest it in the Product (possibly using the model property ).

Metadata from the GoodRelations schema can be used to extend the ProductAdorg constrained vocabulary.

I also see the option to use a review schema (for any reviews in the corresponding Product property) and possibly TouristAttraction if the rental proximity to the tourist attraction is the selling point. I also noticed that there is a LodgingBusiness schema that inherits from Organization . This should be used to encapsulate content about your actual client (or whoever rents apartments / villas to tenants).



Use the newer version of schema.org (0.99) with the following properties for http://schema.org/Offer :

  • businessFunction ; use http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#LeaseOut as value.
  • eligibleDuration : The duration of this offer is valid.
  • availabilityStarts : The start of availability for the rental object
  • availabilityEnds : the end of the availability of the rental object

If you need detailed templates, please contact me via http://www.heppresearch.com/contact . We have created a new e-commerce module for schema.org.



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