Subscriber information does not match subscriber information of other classes in the same package

class "org.mortbay.util.DateCache" subscriber information does not match subscriber information of other classes in the same package

I am working on GWT and maven. My GWT code is in project2. It works fine when I run it alone, but when I try to create a dependency on another project, I get this error. I have also googled for a solution. What I got is that classes related to the same package are loaded from different JAR files. But I don't know how to make sure they have the same certificate. Is there any way to get rid of this.



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2 answers

Make your objects static and single point and load them on startup so that whenever a new jar tries to initiate it, it always returns the same object. I know there is some work to be done here, but you need it!



I had a similar problem and solved it by following these instructions:

"make sure hamcrest.jar is in front of the JUnit library included in the Eclipse classpath."



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