Rails: support rails on rails gem-

Trying to follow along with Ryan Bates's Backbone.js tutorial to create a lottery app, but I already ran into problems with the first bit of code. In the init function of the application.js application, it has initialized a new instance of Raffler routes, which should raise the Home Page warning, but I am getting the following errors in Firebug which I don't understand.

entries.js:5Uncaught ReferenceError: Raffler is not defined
entry.js:15Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined
entries.js:23Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined
index.js:17Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined
application.js:7Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: missing /
raffler.js:9Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function


Any ideas how I can fix this?

JavaScripts / raffler / application.js

window.Raffler =
  Models: {}
  Collections: {}
  Views: {}
  Routers: {}
  init: -> 
    new Raffler.Routers.Entries()

$(document).ready ->


routers /entries.js

class Raffler.Routers.Entries extends Backbone.Router
    '': 'index'

  index: ->
    alert "home page"



After starting the generator, it //= require_tree .

was right after the jquery_ujs request, which I found (I think) caused some of the problems. However, I have now moved it to the bottom and am still getting this error.

Raffler.Routers.Entries is not a constructor
[Break On This Error]   

new Raffler.Routers.Entries();



    //= require jquery
    //= require jquery_ujs
    //= require underscore
    //= require backbone
    //= require .//raffler
    //= require_tree ../templates/
    //= require_tree .//models
    //= require_tree .//collections
    //= require_tree .//views
    //= require_tree .//routers
    //= require_tree .



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2 answers

I had the same problem. For me the solution was to delete the line

//= require_tree .

from the file application.js

because that line was before the underline and backbonejs lines.



I found someone else who had the same problem and then made it work. I copied his code (which was exactly the same as mine) into my file and now I'm working. I do not know why

window.Raffler =
  Models: {}
  Collections: {}
  Views: {}
  Routers: {}
  init: ->
    new Raffler.Routers.Entries()

$(document).ready ->




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