Resize the DIV, but keep the aspect ratio when the window is resized

I have a DIV element on my page that I want to resize when the window is resized, but maintain a square aspect ratio. I want the width to be 50% of the browser width and the height to be equal to the width. How can i do this?

If the solution requires Javascript, that's fine, but I'd rather not use jQuery.


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3 answers

Use width: 50% in css and window.onresize to resize. Take a look



I'm not sure if you can make one property (height) equal to another property (width) in CSS ... well, at least in CSS 2.

But you can of course do it in JavaScript.

<div id = "myDiv"></div>
    document.onresize = function() {
        var element = document.getElementById('myDiv');      // the element
        var size = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2) + 'px'; // 50% window width = size;  // set the width = size; // set the height


Note that the property is window.innerWidth

missing in IE. There you will need to use document.documentElement.clientWidth




You can set the width to 50% of the window in css; you just need to adjust the height -

  var who= document.getElementById('divtoresize');'px';




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