Two-way merge sort of multiple paths

This is a question from Database Systems The Complete Book, Second Edition - Chapter 15: Two-Pass Sort-Based Algorithm. "Sometimes it is possible to save some disk I / O if we leave the last sublist in memory. It might make sense to use a sublist of fewer blocks to take advantage of this effect. How many disk I / O will be saved this way?"

I figured you would split the original relation into sub-lists and sort them in the first pass, and keep the last list in memory, which will take less than block M-1. Then how do you progress with sorting?


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1 answer

This is just a guess, but I suspect the answer can be summarized as follows. The standard merge sort "in order" looks like this:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
--- --- --- ---  -- pass 1
 2   2   2   2
 -----   -----   -- pass 2
   4       4
   ---------     -- pass 3


Note that we are doing a full pass of the input before moving on to the next level.

An alternative is a "subtree at a point in time" merge sort, which looks like this:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
--- | | | | | |
 2  --- | | | |
 |   2  | | | |
 -----  | | | |
   4    --- | |
   |     2  ---
   |     |   2
   |     -----
   |       4


Here, we merge each subtree with its neighbor of the same height as soon as that neighbor is built. We are doing the same job, but the terrain is improving.




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