Is it possible to pass / compare a variable to a SQL database from a javascript if statement?

Basically my code is declaring a variable that checks if a specific string is entered in the textbox when the user presses the enter button, and then using a substring declares a variable that contains the string after entering a certain word (shown below).

I would like to pass this variable to php and eventually compare it to a SQL database (but I heard it is unsafe / not possible) compare it directly to a SQL database from javascript.

Is it possible?

var match = textInput.value.indexOf("string");

if (keycode == 13 && match != -1) { <- checks to see if enter is pressed + "string" has been typed.
    var some_string = text.input.value.substring(7); <- takes everything after the word "string"


and this is where I would like to pass the variable 'some_string' to the SQL database, do validation and return true or false.

I hope this is clear and in advance for the help.


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2 answers

You will need ajax request . You must do this asynchronously, otherwise the browser will hang.

But asynchronous request works with callbacks and doesn't return more than the promise can be. So instead of

function synchronous(){
    // init xhr and send
    return xhr.response; // or json-parse of response-text or something
try {
    if (synchronous() == "wanted value")
        // do something
        // do something else
} catch(e) {
    // alert a problem


you will need to use

function asychronous(success, error) {
    // init xhr, register handlers and send
    // return nothing
asynchronous(function scb(data) {
    if (data == "wandted value")
        // do something
        // do something else
}, function ecb(e) {
    // alert a problem




Use AJAX to pass the value to the PHP request processor, which uses the value in the corresponding database call. For security, avoid the mysql_real_escape_string option when building the SQL. The handler then returns a response to indicate the result (JSON / XML / text / ...).



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