Why is my NSNumber always zero?

So, for some reason, in a certain method, mine is NSNumber

always nil

and driving me nuts.

If the user selects a row in my picker, it gets called and works fine:

- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component {
    self.query.activityLevel = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[[self.activityArray objectAtIndex:row]objectForKey:@"key"]intValue]];


However, when the user doesn't select a line and just goes to the next VC, I have a check to see if there is activityLevel


and set it to 1

if it is.

- (void)donePressed {
    if (!self.query.activityLevel) {
        self.query.activityLevel = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2];
    NSNumber *calories = [Calculations numberOfCaloriesNeededForQuery:self.query];
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];


The problem is that whenever the user doesn't select a row and hits it self.query.activityLevel = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2];

, if I print the object, it doesn't care nil

. I have no idea why. I set a breakpoint and ended up on this line ...


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1 answer

You might be getting null because the value is self.query

also null, so you set the value on the object to nil and get null ...

It's a little confusing, but while in another language you usually get a NullPointer exception in situations like this, in a C object it is legal to send a message zero, so pay attention to these situations ...



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