IOS and Android App Development

I need to develop a native app on both iOS and Android. This is a small application, more like a tutorial application, however I intend to publish it in both markets. And I don’t want to use PhoneGap / Titanium / ... but will rather develop on major platforms as it gives me access to all the features I need.

Since the functionality is the same on both platforms (obviously), I was wondering what the best approach would be. Should I develop on Android and then migrate to iOS? Or vice versa? Or develop in parallel?

I think I can't reuse some of the code? For example, if I evolved into C?

How do I handle code updates? Should I keep a separate list of bugs for each platform and fix them myself?


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1 answer

Yes, if you want a great application, you have to write separate code for each OS. One in Java for Android and one in Objective-C for iOS. You can of course program a C ++ kernel for iOS (don't know if you can do that in Java) and you're fine.

You should start evolving to a platform that you consider to be a more experienced programmer. When you finish your application, it will be easier for you to copy your ideas into another language.



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