Where can I control the view of resolution mode in Django? In url (via shared views), template or view?

I have a basic permission system in which I am pretty strong in allowing hardcoding based on user.profile.user_type

where user.profile

equivalent user.get_profile()


For example, if user_type

is, say, 1

(property manager) then that user can view all work orders. A user_type

of 2

(tenant) means that the user can only view the work orders they have created.

I am currently just using a generic class in urls.py

like this

        model = Order,
        template_name = 'doors/orders/list.html'
    name = 'orders_list'


and hence I have no control over permissions at all.

So, to add a permission system, should I control it in the template like this:

{% for order in order_list %}
    {% if request.user.profile.user_type == 1 %}
        # Show every order
        {{ order.pk }}
    {% else %}
        # Show only work orders created by that user
        {% if order.creator == request.user.pk %}
            {{ order.pk }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


I have a feeling that trying to filter inside a template is a waste of many SQL strokes, because no matter what the user_type

template is , the template will still force Django to call every work order. It's true?

Or should I control this in the view like this?

def orders_list( request ) :
    if request.user.user_type == 1 :
        order_list = Order.objects.all()
    else :
        order_list = Order.objects.filter( creator = request.user.pk )

    dictionary = {
        'order_list' : order_list,

    return render( request, 'doors/orders/list.html', dictionary )


Obviously, if I try to control it internally views.py

, then I can no longer use generic views.

And finally, my third option would be to (somehow) manage it in the overall view of the class. I don't even know if this is possible. Maybe somehow with get_context_data

? I really like the simplicity of generics, but I'm not too familiar with more advanced OO concepts.

What do you guys suggest?


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1 answer

If you use ListView

, the way is used for this get_queryset()


class OrderListView(ListView):
    template_name = 'doors/orders/list.html'

    def get_queryset(self):
        user = self.request.user
        if user.user_type == 1:
            return Order.objects.all()
        return Order.objects.filter(creator=user.pk)




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