Using simple_form to set data content

I am using Simple_form with Rails 3.2.1

Everything is fine except that I need to set the "data-content" attribute on input_html for bootstrapping

However, when I use the following Rails / Ruby I don't like this code as there is a dash in the "content-content" method:

<%= f.input :first_name, :required => true, :label => "First Name", :autofocus => true, :input_html => {:rel => "tooltip", :title => "Testing!", :data-content => "Popover content"} 


and I get the error:

 undefined local variable or method `content'


Does anyone know how you can set content content for input elements using simple_form ???



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3 answers

You cannot use -

ruby in symbols, but you can use a string like "data-content"

. So this will probably work:

<%= f.input :first_name, :required => true, :label => "First Name", :autofocus => true, :input_html => {:rel => "tooltip", :title => "Testing!", 'data-content'=> "Popover content"} 




I think you can use data settings like this:

<%= f.input blar..., :input_html => { :data => { content: => "Popover content"}}


this should give you an attribute data-content="Popover content"



You cannot use hyphens in your character names. :data-content

interpreted as :data - content

=> character :data

minus `content.

Wrap it in quotes instead ... "data-content" => "Popover content" ...



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