How to make an https request using php Http_Request2 ()

I want to make an https request using the pear class http_request2 ($ url). I can make an http request, but not https. and the website facilitates both http and https. No problem with the server responding to https.

    require 'HTTP/Request2.php';
    $url = '';
    $r = new Http_Request2($url);
    try {
        $response = $r->send();
    } catch (Exception $exc) {
        $es = $exc->getTraceAsString();
        $response = null;
    $page = $response->getBody();
    echo $page;


this is msg error:

$egm=(string) Unable to connect to ssl:// Error: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error)


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3 answers

The comment for disabling certificate validation was the key for me.

$request = new HTTP_Request2('',

    'ssl_verify_peer'   => FALSE,
    'ssl_verify_host'   => FALSE




I got this problem. The fix (for me) was to use "curl" as an adapter, for example:

$request = new Http_Request2('https://whatever');
$response = $request->send();


See also the SSL Options section at which says

Peer validation will most likely fail unless you explicitly provide the ssl_cafile and / or ssl_capath file, especially with a Socket adapter.

Presumably curl knows where to find the local CA file it needs to trust.

(PHP 5.4.38 with curl).



HTTP_Request2 is absolutely capable of making HTTPS requests. There is probably a deeper error, eg. custom SSL certificate which is causing problems.

Install Wireshark and check what kind of error you are actually getting with it. Send it back.



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