JQuery Ui font size

I recently added Primefaces to my WEB app to use its dataTable UI. So I decided to increase the font size of the dataTable to 12px instead of the default 10px. so I added this to my Css:

.ui-widget,         .ui-widget .ui-widget {                
font-size: 12px !important;          


found that on a forum somewhere ... anyway, I also used a button with the class = "button" style that comes from jquery.ui and now it affected that style and the 12px font, but I wanted save button font to 10px.

Is there a way to fix the font size for just the button? or do I need to add something to the above code so that it just affects the dataTable?

the button looks like this:

<h:commandButton id="auditButton" action="#{auditBB.actionSearch}" styleClass="button"  value="Search"></h:commandButton>


Thanks, advanced!


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1 answer

It took me a while to find it, but I found this Stack Overflow question and there are multiple answers on it. the one I used to solve my problem was to add the following code to my Css.

.ui-button,  .ui-button-text .ui-button{  
font-size: 10px !important; 


This took care of it, thanks for reading. Hope this helps someone. =)



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