Java implicit methods / parameters?

im currently reading a book about android programming and there is a little little Java reference guide in the early chapters. However, I stumbled upon something about implicit parameters that I didn't quite understand.

It defines the class Car :

public class Car {
  public void drive() {
    System.out.println("Going down the road!");


Then he continues:

public class JoyRide {
 private Car myCar;

 public void park(Car auto) {
   myCar = auto;

 public Car whatsInTheGarage() {
   return myCar;

 public void letsGo() {
   park(new Ragtop()); // Ragtop is a subclass of Car, but nevermind this.
   whatsInTheGarage().drive(); // This is the core of the question.


I just want to know how we can call drive () from the Car class when JoyRide is not a Car extension . Is this because the whatsInTheGarage () method has a return type of Car , and thus it inherits "somehow" from that class?



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5 answers

Think about this piece of code:



as a shorthand for this:

Car returnedCar = whatsInTheGarage();;


It is now clear? All C-likelanguages ​​with c -like syntax behaves like this.

UPDATE:;  //call method of myCar field

Car otherCar = new Car();;  //create new car and call its method

new Car().drive()  //call a method on just created object

public Car makeCar() {
  return new Car();

Car newCar = makeCar();  //create Car in a different method, return reference to it;

makeCar().drive();  //similar to your case





returns a Car

. You are calling drive

on the returned instance. It is not something that JoyRide

inherits a method, JoyRide

calls a method on a completely separate object.



In line



You are calling a method drive

on the object returned from whatsInTheGarage

. The fact that JoyRide

itself is not related to Car

is irrelevant here, because you are not trying to call drive

on an object JoyRide

. Since it whatsInTheGarage

returns a Car

and you are calling the drive

object returned from whatsInTheGarage

, this will call drive

on the object Car

; in particular Car

, the returned one whatsInTheGarage

. This has nothing to do with inheritance - instead, you simply call a method on an object that is of the type of the class that specifically declares that method.

Hope this helps!



Your guess is correct, since the method returns a car, it can call Car methods.



Do not forget that the Joyride class has a field of type Car. With this field, you can call methods of the Car classes for this reason.



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