Invalid or not approved by Google API key

I am currently upgrading one of my sites from old system to HTML5 and I have some problems with Google Maps JavaScript API v3. To fetch data from their API, you must have a key - of course, but here I have a problem.

The problem is that even though I have the correct key that I added to my google API console, I get "Permission Denied" all the time, followed by an alert box that says I don't have a real API or it not approved by Google Maps API v3.

I enabled "Google Maps API v3" in "Services" in the Google APIs Console and paid the "invoice", but it didn't work as proven. I use this url for their API:{MY_KEY}&sensor=false

and I have read the docs very carefully and I'm not currently up to date.

Do you know what's wrong here? Am I missing something or what?


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1 answer

In the absence of a link to check ...

You can have multiple projects (dropdown menu, top left in the console), and each key is associated with a project. For a correct project, you need to include v3 maps.

The sequence should be:

  • Select a project from the dropdown (or create one)
  • Select the services required for this project
  • Select contributors, if any
  • Set up access keys for this project. You can have more than one key per project and specify the domains to which the keys can be used.
  • Set up billing if you need it.

The menu on the left is arranged in a logical order.



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