Sorl-thumbnail template tags do nothing

I am using sorl-thumbnail to get some cropping images.

I have a model similar to this

from django.db import models
from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField

class Photo(models.Model):
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads")


and inside my template i

{% load thumbnail %}

{% thumbnail photo.image "200x100" as im %}
    <img src="{{ im.url }}">
{% endthumbnail %}


It doesn't output anything. If I do <img src='{{photo.image.url}}'>

, the image is displayed in the browser ok. I also have a sunroom thumbnail inside my INSTALLED_APPS and I sync the database and set up the thumbnail_kvstore table.

Can someone help me. What can cause images to not be cropped or even displayed?


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2 answers

Your code looks great, so the problem must come from other parts.

The first thing you can do is install THUMBNAIL_DEBUG = True


and see why the error occurs.

Are you using virualenv

and PIL

for an image library? Make sure yours is PIL

compiled and installed with support for jpeg

and png/gif

, which requires libjpeg

and zlib


Edit: As @DanielRoseman pointed out in a comment, you are actually using django.db.models.ImageField

by changing

image = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads")



image = ImageField(upload_to="uploads")


use sorl.thumbnail.ImageField




Try cleaning, or if it fails, clean. Documentation

This solved the problem for me where I was getting unexpected results. This might work for you.



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