SVN does not commit by showing files not under control

Here we see that SVN does not add files that need to be added and not committed:

$ ls -la forum
drwxr-xr-x  6 dotan.cohen coders   4096 Apr  9 02:09 before
$ svn status
?       tags
?       forum/before
$ svn add forum/before --force
$ svn status
?       tags
?       forum/before
$ svn commit -m "Some Comment"


The first command ( ls -la

) shows us what is forum/before/

actually a directory. The following command svn status

shows us that the directory is not under version control. The next line ( svn add

) shows an attempt to add a directory to version control, and the line after it shows that the directory is still not under version control. The last line shows that svn commit

it does nothing, i.e. No commit.

I can confirm that the specified directory has not been added to the repository. Why is this possible and how can I fix it? It's on CentOS 5. Thanks.


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2 answers

The problem was that the directory in question was copied from another directory under version control. Removing all subdirectories .svn

solved the problem. I used the following command to remove them (from forum/before/


rm -rf `find . -name .svn`




If you find yourself in this situation again, I would suggest using svn switch

instead of deleting .svn directories. This will reassign all urls. General syntax switch URL[@PEGREV] [PATH]




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