What is the difference between window and this.window, in javascript?

I am considering a tricky bit of JavaScript that does all kinds of runtime / dynamic manipulation of objects and scripts. In the process, I learn all sorts of little things about Javascript and its features.

However, I'm all at a dead end. Is there ever a situation where
window !== this.window; //true


In other words, when will you ever write this.window instead of the direct window?


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3 answers

"Is there ever a situation when window !== this.window; //true


Of course, whenever it this

refers to an object with no property .window

or with a property .window

that does not point to a global object (assuming the browser environment window

is where it is global).

"... when do you ever write this.window

instead of direct window


When this

referring to an object that assumes a property .window

that is not a reference to the global.




implicitly looked up names in javascript like in C ++ and java.

in javascript by referencing something foo

instead of this.foo

or someobject.foo

trying, in order, any var

-declared variables, then the global namespace.


only looks at members this

(and its prototype, prototype prototype, etc.)

at the top level in the script, this

refers to the default global namespace, which is the object window

, and where you are until you call the method with foo.meth()

. window

contains, oddly enough, a member called window

that points to itself. So, you can go:

window.window.window.window.location = "some_url"

if you want to. There are actually so many names that you assume "just there" are members of a global object, for example.

Object === window.Object

If you like you can say

var window;

to declare a named variable window

that hides the global window inside that block of code. But don't do this.

I believe you can actually change what the global namespace is, but I don't remember how.



Well, this is a duplicate but this

refers to the global scope when you are in the global scope (err) and the global scope is window

. (therefore this == window

they window.window == window

are true)

If you use a function that is used as a constructor like ( new Pie()

) is this

no longer global scope, but rather the object that is being instantiated. Which this

really depends on where you are using the code.



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