Blocking Spyder String Commands
Whenever I run () in the Ipython console in spyderlib, the console hangs until I close the picture window. This only happens in spyderlib and the blocking happens when I run "ipython -pylab" or I run ipython normally and call "plt.ion ()" before plotting. I've tried using plt.draw (), but nothing happens with this command.
plt.ion () works for ipython, but when I run the same command in spyder it is not plotting anything at all ( () no longer works).
Environment Info: Python 2.6.5, Qt 4.6.2, PyQt4 (API v2) 4.7.2 on Linux
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I had a similar (I think) problem. Make sure your interpreter is configured to run in the current interpreter (by default, it should allow interactive plotting). If it is configured to run in a new specialized python interpreter, make sure you choose to interact with the python interpreter. This solved the problem for me.
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