How can one get the coordinates of Swing components regardless of their parent?
I am trying to get the coordinates of a component like a label. I tried getBounds and getLocation, however they do not give exact coordinates if the label is on 2 or more panels. Aside from getLocationOnScreen, is there a way to get the exact coordinates of the components even if they are on more than 1 panel?
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If you want it relative to the JFrame you will need to do something like this:
public static Point getPositionRelativeTo(Component root, Component comp) {
if (comp.equals(root)) { return new Point(0,0); }
Point pos = comp.getLocation();
Point parentOff = getPositionRelativeTo(root, comp.getParent());
return new Point(pos.x + parentOff.x, pos.y + parentOff.y);
Or you can just use the built-in solution SwingUtilities.convertPoint(comp, 0, 0, root)
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Try the component. getLocationOnScreen ()
As Javadok says,
Gets the location of this component, as a point that specifies the corner of the top-left component in screen coordinate space.
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Alternatively, getLocationOnScreen()
you can use getXOnScreen()
and getYOnScreen()
from MouseEvent
. Zoom
is an example.
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