Correct way to use Include <TResult, TInclude>

I have two classes (they are stored in RavenDB):

public class Game
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int HomeTeamId { get; set; }
    public int AwayTeamId { get; set; }
    public DateTime GameTime { get; set; }
    public string Location { get; set; }
    public int HomeTeamScore { get; set; }
    public int AwayTeamScore { get; set; }

public class Team
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int? PositionInGroup { get; set; }
    public int? PositionInPlayOffs { get; set; }
    public string Group { get; set; }


I want to output all games with team name, date and location like this:

Poland - Greece, 2012-06-08 18:00:00 - Warsaw (POL)

I know that I could include the home team name and the team name in the game object, but I want to use RavenDB's Include functions instead.

I wrote this code:

// Print the schedule
var games = session
    .Customize(c => c.Include<Game, Team>(i => i.Id))
    .OrderBy(x => x.GameTime)

foreach (var g in games)
    var homeTeam = session.Load<Team>(g.HomeTeamId);
    var awayTeam = session.Load<Team>(g.AwayTeamId);
        string.Format("{0} - {1}, {2} - {3}",


If I understood things correctly, when I load the home command and the guests command in a loop, the fetch request should not be issued to the server? But when I look in the logs I see this:

Request # 1 654: GET - 0 ms - Euro2012 - 200 - / docs / teams / 34

A document was found with key commands / 34

The first request issued to the server looks like this:

Request # 1 648: GET - 5 ms - Euro2012 - 200 - / indexes / dynamic / Games? query = & start = 0 & pageSize = 128 & aggregation = None & sort = GameTime & include = Id (/ commands)

So it looks like the commands should be "enabled"

Am I doing something wrong?


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2 answers

I am not familiar with the Customize () part of the request. You can do Include () yourself. Example:

Include () is IRavenQueryable and also in the Raven.Client.Lightweight assembly.



You are including the wrong id, you need:

.Customize(c => c.Include<Game, Team>(i => i.AwayTeamId ))
.Customize(c => c.Include<Game, Team>(i => i.HomeTeamId ))




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