Accessing iphone browsing history using a private webkit framework

Hi, I ask you to read the entire question before marking it as a duplicate.

I am trying to get iphone browsing history using the private Webkit framework. I am getting the headers for it from the github site. But I am not getting what headers or what methods to use to accomplish my task. I tried using the following code, but it didn't return anything, not even zero.

WebHistory *history=[WebHistory optionalSharedHistory];
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
//id date;
NSArray *arr = [history orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay:now];
NSLog(@"%@",[history allItems]); 


I am writing in a home application, so I am not against this private framework. But I just can't go jailbreak. Please guide me correctly.


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1 answer

For optionalSharedHistory to return anything other than null, it must be created and set in a convenient location for your application. As a root view controller or AppDelegate.

// Create a shared WebHistory object
WebHistory *myHistory = [[WebHistory alloc] init];
[WebHistory setOptionalSharedHistory:myHistory];


Hope this helps!



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