How to make changes to the struts project server

I am basically a php programmer and I ended up having to work on a java project. The java project is executed using the struts framework and we have set the task to change the results list based on "X". When I install the project on my local system and make changes to the java file say and create a new class. The changes worked fine on my local system. But when I replaced the abc.class file with the new build class on the server, it doesn't work. Any help on this issue would be appreciated.

I have installed appache tomcat 7.0 on my local system. And use net beans 7.0 IDE to create new class files.



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1 answer

Your change will probably be visible when you restart your web server.

What you need to do is automate the build: You should use ant or maven to create a war file ) and let your script download this war file to your local server / production server. The server will automatically detect the new version of the webapp and deploy it.

Ideally, a deployment task should check the source control system (git, cvs, svn), execute the necessary unit tests, integration tests, etc. Only after all tests have passed can the webapp be deployed to your server.



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