Why are two's complement more widely used in preference for the Ones complement in the representation of signed numbers

The last view looks more natural to understand. Why do most languages ​​choose the first one? My guess is that the two add-ons have some unique and therefore beneficial characteristics that make data manipulation easier.


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2 answers

Languages ​​do not indicate the format of the number; Hardware. Ask Intel why they designed their ALU to make 2 additions

The answer will be made because mathematical operations are more regular in the 2s complement; positive and negative numbers need to be handled differently in 1st's complement, which means doubling the hardware / microcode needed for basic math in the CPU.



From Wikipedia

The two's complement system has the advantage that the fundamental arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication are identical regardless of whether the inputs and outputs are interpreted as unsigned binary numbers or two's complement (provided that overflow is ignored). This property makes the system easier to use and able to easily handle arithmetic with higher precision. In addition, zero has only one representation, eliminating the subtleties associated with negative zero that exist in one's complement systems.



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